1. Euphrasie-Clotilde L., Plocoste T., Feuillard T., Velasco-Merino C., Mateos D., Toledano C., Brute F. N., Bassette C., Gobinddass M. (2020). Assessment of a new detection threshold for PM10 concentrations linked to African dust events in the Caribbean Basin. Atmospheric Environment, 224.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117354
    The Lesser Antilles is an intermediate zone located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This area is frequently affected by the major long range Saharan dust transportation from West African desert sources. The aerosols optical properties are provided by the AEronet Robotic NETwork (AERONET) measurement sites in Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, and Barbados. Thus, Aerosols Optical Depth (AOD), Angstrom Exponent (AE), Volume Particle Size Distribution (VPSD), complex refractive indexes, and Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) were used to define the predominant type of atmospheric particles namely sea salt aerosols, mineral dust or aerosols mixture. Obtained results show that aerosols in the atmospheric column (AOD) and surface dust measurements (PM 10) are well correlated with correlation coefficients of 0.72 and 0.81 respectively for Puerto Rico, and Guadeloupe. Detailed analysis of optical data associated to daily PM 10 concentrations highlighted that dust phenomenon can be observable below PM 10 threshold of 50 mu g/m(3) given by the European directives to detect dust episodes. Indeed, for Caribbean islands, episodes of desert dust phenomenon have been detected from 35 mu g/m(3). The climatological assessment of monthly dust events observed in Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, and Martinique between 2006 and 2016 highlighted a low dust season from November to February and a high dust season from May to August. Both seasons are separated by two transition dust periods: March to April and September to October. Lastly, the day-to-day back trajectories (NOAA-HYSPLIT) illustrated the general atmospheric circulation and show three main dust transportation routes: the North West African Path (62.7%); the South West African Path (20.8%); and the North East Atlantic Path (15.1%). By computing the average PM 10 concentrations bring from each path, we notice that South West African Path is the most loaded in mineral dust because he comes from one of the most persistently active and intense dust sources in the world, i.e. Bodele Depression in northern Chad.Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)
  2. Fuckner M., de Carvalho O. A., Gurgel H., Barcellos C., Durieux Laurent. (2019). Análise dos padrões espaço-temporais das internações por diarreia e do clima nas capitais brasileiras = Analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of diarrhea hospitalizations and climate in brazilian capitals. Confins, 42.http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/confins.23297
    Diarrhea constitutes a major public health problem in Brazil and in the world and its seasonal dynamics of occurrence is associated with environmental conditions, such as climate-related factors. This research studied the temporal pattern of hospitalizations motivated by diarrhea and gastroenteritis with presumed infectious origin (DGOIP) in 27 Brazilian capitals, monthly recorded from 1998 to 2012, as well as the rainfall and temperature patterns. It involved the preparation and interpretation of climatograms and histograms containing quarterly data and simple linear correlation analysis. The results allowed to observe that there are more defined patterns of hospitalizations prevalence, in a given period of the year, in areas where there are two well-defined seasons, rainy and dry season, and in the other regions, such as the South of Brazil, there aren’t an unique predominant pattern. The rainy season pattern was mainly related to the North and Northeast regions and the dry season pattern to the Midwest and Southeast, which assumed a change in the predominant etiology of infection, if bacterial or viral, according to the literature. The study found that factors such as seasonality and climate-related are relevant in the analysis of DGOIP occurrence patterns, and continuous observation of hospitalizations should be performed to detect changes in seasonal patterns of the disease, notably considering the wide coverage of child vaccination for rotavirus in Brazil.Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)Copublication Sud avec : BrésilLien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077248
    Descr. géo. Horizon : BRESIL
  3. Gregorio L. D., Gurgel H., Dessay Nadine, de Sousa G. M., Roux Emmanuel. (2019). Estimativa populacional pelo modelo people in pixel aplicado ao estudo da dengue no Distrito Federal-Brasil = Population estimate by people in pixel model applied to the study of dengue in the Federal District-Brazil. Confins, 42.http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/confins.22922
    In health studies, obtaining spatialized demographic data is essential for understanding diseases transmission and dispersal processes, and for calculating the incidence rate as well, which are fundamental to control and prevention strategies. The development and application of population estimation methods, in a detailed scale, aiming to obtain population number, mainly during non-census years, may contribute to the analysis of the incidence of a particular disease. This paper aims to present a population estimation method, developed from an adaptation of the people in pixel method (Cruz et al., 2007), and can be applied in spatial units of different resolutions. The annual population estimation of the “health zones” (ZBS) of the Federal District of Brazil between 2007 and 2014 was applied in order to study the spatial distribution of dengue incidence rates over time. This study allowed to identify areas of high dengue transmission and show the interannual variability of spatial transmission patterns of the disease, which may contribute to the definition of dengue control strategies in the Federal District of Brazil.Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)Copublication Sud avec : BrésilLien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077246
    Descr. géo. Horizon : BRESIL
  4. Gurgel H., Laques Anne-Elisabeth. (2019). Dossiê aplicações em geografia, saúde e meio ambiente [Introducao] = Thematic dossier on applications in geography, health and environment [Introduction] = Dossier thématique sur des exemples d’applications en géographie, santé et environnement [Introduct. Confins, 42.http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/confins.22710
    Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)Copublication Sud avec : BrésilLien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077244
    Descr. géo. Horizon : BRESIL ; NIGER
  5. Gurgel H., Laques Anne-Elisabeth. (2019). Dossiê Temitico sobre aplicaçôes em geografia, saude e meio ambiente = Dossier thématique sur des exemples d’applications en géographie, santé et environnement = Thematic dossier on applications in geography, health and environment. Confins, 42.http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/confins.22710
    Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)Copublication Sud avec : BrésilLien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010077243
    Descr. géo. Horizon : BRESIL ; NIGER
  6. Lebeau-Desmoulin L., Bruneau L., Commins Jérémy, Herbreteau Vincent, Raffray L. (2020). Identifying factors associated with treatment delay in leptospirosis : a retrospective study of patients admitted to hospital in Reunion (Indian Ocean) between 2014 and 2015. Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses, 50 (4), 352-360.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.medmal.2019.09.008
    Background. – Leptospirosis is a life-threatening zoonotic disease for which delayed treatment onset has been associated to poor prognosis. The purpose of the study was to identify the determinants of therapeutic delay in hospitalized leptospirosis cases. Patients and methods. – We carried out a retrospective multicenter study in the 4 public hospitals of Reunion Island, South Western Indian Ocean. Medical records of confirmed leptospirosis cases occurring in 2014-2015 were reviewed for socio-economic, demographic, geographic and medical data. The primary outcome measure was the therapeutic delay, defined as the time elapsed between the onset of symptoms and initiation of antibiotics. Results. – Of the 117 patients included, 107 were men, with an average age of 44.9 +/- 15 years. The median therapeutic delay was 4 days (interquartile: 2-5 days) and this delay was not found to be associated with severity. The following were found to be at increased risk of having a longer therapeutic delay: cases occurring outside the epidemic period, or rainy season (OR 2.8 [1.08-7.3], P = 0.04) and cases with first medical evaluation in primary health care (OR 4.63 [1.43-14.93]; P = 0.01) instead of emergency unit. Nosocio-economic or geographic characteristics were found to be linked to a longer therapeutic delay. Conclusion. – Although delayed treatment was not associated to disease severity, our results indicate that leptospirosis awareness is needed all year in the subtropical area of Reunion Island and particularly in primary care.Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)Lien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079074
    Descr. géo. Horizon : OCEAN INDIEN ; REUNION
  7. Lobo Mtmps, Scalize P. S., Kraus C. N., da Silva W. J., Garnier J., Marques D. D., Bonnet Marie-Paule, Nogueira I. D. (2020). Biological index based on epiphytic diatom assemblages is more restrictive than the physicochemical index in water assessment on an Amazon floodplain, Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (10), 10642-10657.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-07658-y
    Canadian Water Quality Index (CWQI) provides protection for freshwater life promoting healthy ecosystems and safeguarding human health. Biological Diatom Index (BDI) was developed to indicate the ecological status and water quality of freshwater systems. This paper evaluates the relations between the two different indices. During rising and falling, water samples were taken in the Curuai Floodplain, Brazil. CWQI was calculated using 14 physicochemical parameters and 1 microbiological parameter. The limits were established according to freshwater quality conditions and standards based on water use classes 1 and 2 determined in CONAMA 357 legislation and British Columbia. Canadian Water Quality Index categorization ranged from “marginal” to “excellent,” most sampling units were “good” (71%), followed by “fair” (12%) and “excellent” (12%) water quality. Total phosphorus (38 times), chlorophyll a (20), dissolved oxygen (10), and total organic carbon (10) were the parameters that presented the most non-compliance values. Encyonema silesiacum (14%), Gomphonema parvulum (13%), and Navicula cryptotenella (12%) were the main taxa in the rising period, while G. lagenula, E. silesiacum, and Fragilaria capucina were the main taxa during the falling period. BDI ranges from I to V water quality classes. We observed “poor” to “very good” ecological status, with most sampling units “moderate” (52%) and “good” (29%). Water quality for class 2 was better than water quality for class 1, as the limits of the parameters evaluated were more restrictive in class 1 than in class 2 and the predominant uses of water require a higher degree of water purity. The biological index based on diatoms was the most restrictive index whose water classes and categorizations have shown an ecological status that could threaten the protection of aquatic communities on the Curuai floodplain. We suggest the combined use of both indices-physicochemical and biological for water quality assessment in this type of environment.Affiliation IRD : (sans mention d’UMR) ; UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)Copublication Sud avec : BrésilLien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079090
    Descr. géo. Horizon : BRESIL ; AMAZONE BASSIN
  8. Manou-Abi S. M., Dimbour W. (2020). Asymptotically Periodic Solution of a Stochastic Differential Equation. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 43 (1), 911-939.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40840-019-00717-9
    In this paper, we first introduce the concept and properties of omega-periodic limit process. Then, we apply specific criteria obtained to investigate asymptotically omega-periodicmild solutions of a Stochastic differential equation driven by a Brownian motion. Finally, we give an example to show usefulness of the theoretical results that we obtained in the paper.Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV)
  9. Marti Renaud, Li Z. C., Catry Thibault, Roux Emmanuel, Mangeas Morgan, Handschumacher Pascal, Gaudart J., Tran A., Demagistri Laurent, Faure Jean-François, Carvajal J. J., Drumond B., Xu L., Herbreteau Vincent, Gurgel H., Dessay Nadine, Gong P. (2020). A mapping review on urban landscape factors of dengue retrieved from earth observation data, GIS techniques, and survey questionnaires. Remote Sensing, 12 (6).http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs12060932
    To date, there is no effective treatment to cure dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease which has a major impact on human populations in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Although the characteristics of dengue infection are well known, factors associated with landscape are highly scale dependent in time and space, and therefore difficult to monitor. We propose here a mapping review based on 78 articles that study the relationships between landscape factors and urban dengue cases considering household, neighborhood and administrative levels. Landscape factors were retrieved from survey questionnaires, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and remote sensing (RS) techniques. We structured these into groups composed of land cover, land use, and housing type and characteristics, as well as subgroups referring to construction material, urban typology, and infrastructure level. We mapped the co-occurrence networks associated with these factors, and analyzed their relevance according to a three-valued interpretation (positive, negative, non significant). From a methodological perspective, coupling RS and GIS techniques with field surveys including entomological observations should be systematically considered, as none digital land use or land cover variables appears to be an univocal determinant of dengue occurrences. Remote sensing urban mapping is however of interest to provide a geographical frame to distribute human population and movement in relation to their activities in the city, and as spatialized input variables for epidemiological and entomological models.Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV) ; (sans mention d’UMR) ; UMR 250 (ENTROPIE) ; UMR 259 (SESSTIM)Copublication Sud avec : Brésil ; ChineLien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079027
    Descr. géo. Horizon : MONDE
  10. Moua Y., Roux Emmanuel, Seyler Frédérique, Briolant S. (2020). Correcting the effect of sampling bias in species distribution modeling : a new method in the case of a low number of presence data. Ecological Informatics, 57.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2020.101086
    Species distribution models that only require presence data provide potentially inaccurate results due to sampling bias and presence data scarcity. Methods have been proposed in the literature to minimize the effects of sampling bias, but without explicitly considering the issue of sample size. A new method developed to better take into account environmental biases in a context of data scarcity is proposed here. It is compared to other sampling bias correction methods primarily used in the literature by analyzing their absolute and relative impacts on model performances. Results showed that the number of presence sites is critical for selecting the applicable method. The method proposed was regularly placed in the first or second rank and tends to be more proficient than other methods in the context of presence site scarcity (<100). It tends to improve results regarding environment-based performance indexes. Eventually, its parametrization, requiring background knowledge on species bio-ecology, appears to be more robust and convenient to perform than those based on geographical criteria.Affiliation IRD : UMR 228 (ESPACE-DEV) ; (sans mention d’UMR)Lien Horizon FDI : http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079029
    Descr. géo. Horizon : GUYANE FRANCAISE